Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rocky Mountain Soap Company Commission

In early October I got an email from the director of marketing of the Rocky Mountain Soap Company.  The company is basically a Canadian version of Bath and Body Works, but way more awesome.  They make all of their products with nothing but natural ingredients and run every aspect of their company as sustainably as possible (wind power, non plastic packaging, etc).  Anyway, Abby, the director of marketing emailed me to ask whether I could make a series of needle felted sculptures to decorate a new store they were about to open.  The amazing thing is that she found out about me by googling "needle felted animals" and coming across this blog!  So thank you everyone for getting this page fairly high up on the google search results!  So the commission ended up being for 4 sculptures: a barn owl, a songbird, a fawn and a fox, all of them significantly larger than anything I'd done before (with the exception of the songbird).  All of them also had to be done completely in greyscale (to match the rest of the store apparently), so the photos look like they are black and white photos but they actually are in color.  After working long hours on the project for the past month and a half I just finished the final piece this week.