Friday, September 7, 2012

Finally finished some new sculptures

To my loyal readers I sincerely apologize for not writing for so long!  This first growing season on the farm has been a little bit insane.  We've had to struggle with one of the worst droughts in US history on top of the usual work involved with starting a new farm so I haven't had much time for needle felting.  I've also been writing about all our farm exploits on our new Facebook page: because that's pretty much become our farm's official website.  I will try to do a better job of posting the same info and photos here whenever I can. 
So in the last 3 months I've only had time to complete 3 sculptures so on the needle felting front you haven't missed much.  All three of these birds: a barn swallow, a cardinal and a goldfinch were commissioned by my friend Kelty and her twin sister Hannah for their beautiful new online store, The Weaver House, where they will be up for sale soon.  So Kelty and Hannah's brilliant idea was to make life-size birds or other small animals that could be mounted on tree branches or rocks so that they resemble taxidermy, minus the dead animal.