Monday, May 7, 2012


 I didn't have time to do any needle felting this week!  We transplanted all of our Chinese cabbage and bok choi into the field, went to our first market, moved our sheep and cow out of the barn and into the big pasture, moved all 6 pigs together into a single large paddock and moved our ducklings out into a new outdoor coop.  We also had another lambing but unfortunately this time it was a single stillborn lamb.  Iris, the runt of our flock was the would be mother.  Because of her small size we were a little worried about her ability to give birth so we are just relieved that she made it through unharmed.

Emma transplanting bok choi

Our honeybees delivering full pollen baskets (the  big yellow balls stuck to their hind legs)  The pollen is used as their main source of protein and is fed to the queen so that she can pump out lots of eggs.

Lucky Duck Farm's Big Debut!

Last Tuesday was our big farmer's market debut!  Shawn Sanders, chef and owner of Browntrout, a farm to table restaurant on the north side of Chicago had the ingenious idea of hosting a weekly farmer's market in his restaurant on his day off.  The idea is to help support new small farms just like ours.  We had an great time at last Tuesday's debut market.  My mother, grandmother and aunt and several of our friends all showed up to lend us some support and just hang out.  And we managed to sell all of our duck eggs and all but 2 dozen of our chicken eggs.  For this first market all we had available were chicken and duck eggs but starting this Tuesday we will also have vegetables!  This week we will be harvesting our first batch of pea shoots to bring to market.  So from now until at least September 18th we plan on making the weekly trip up to Chicago to take part in the Browntrout market.  If you are in the Chicago area you can come check out our produce (and my latest needlefelt critters) every Tuesday evening from 5-8 pm.  The great thing about this particular market is that while you are shopping for fresh produce you can stop to eat some of Browntrout's amazing food or grab a drink at the bar! 
Our brand new logo designed by my brother Toru

Our very first farm stand